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Radiant facilitation

When you are ready to unlock the potential of your team, harness your people's gifts and the collective wisdom, truly, a whole new world awaits where work relations become human relations.  


I approach facilitation in a very human and collaborative way, creating nourishing spaces where people's collective wisdom, ideas, concerns and aspirations are harnessed to create excitement, movement and impactful results.



Why they stick >

Image by Ryan Schram

I combine comprehensive facilitation training with innovative participatory and engaging methodologies such as Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry, Word Café and Action Learning.


My toolkit also includes LEAN process improvement, change management frameworks, and mindfulness training.


What is unique >

Image by Ryan Wilson

I host by being present and intentional and by giving attention and care to the people around me.


I hold space and honour emotions, complexity and uncertainty and transform them into healing, clarity and focus.


I bring my full self to the sessions: my energy, intuition and playfulness.


Why is lasting  >

Image by Jimmy  Chang

I facilitate powerful conversations that lead to:


- Better relationships

- More alignment

- Higher engagement and empowerment

- Wiser actions and decisions​

- More energy, focus and movement

- Intentional performance

All Radiant Facilitation programs and workshops can be tailored to your organization's unique needs, requirements and desired outcomes. 

My current offerings and areas of focus are:

Image by Christian Holzinger

Is your organization ready to create the conditions for people to feel more engaged, empowered and connected to the work they do?


Is your organization ready to support your leaders lead with more courage, authenticity and intention?


Is your organization ready to move beyond superficial fixes, make change stick and take performance to the next level?


Radiant workplace culture workshops

A radiant workplace culture is one where trust, connection, inclusion, collaboration, innovation, humanity and emotional energy thrive.


This insightful series of tailored workshops will help you create an high performance culture in your organization where people feel valued, trusted and empowered to deliver change.


I am excited to offer the following sessions:​


  • Visioning and Strategic Planning;

  • Leading remotely;

  • The art of impactful conversations; 

  • Leading change;

  • Managing performance.


Radiant leadership check-ins

This is where the magic happens: a journey within that empowers you and your leaders to discover, strengthen and deepen your unique way of leading yourself and others.


Facilitated on an on-going basis, the Radiant leadership check-ins are designed to provide your leadership team/s with an energizing 'thinking, reflection and practice space'. 


Packed with powerful questions, experiential learning and innovative frameworks, this insightful journey will reinvigorate relationships and commitment, create new levels of personal and collective awareness, thinking and being so that you and your leaders can show up more authentically and lead in new ways in an ever changing world.


Would you like to find out more?

Get in touch!

Thank you for reaching out!

A land acknowledgement is an opportunity to show recognition of and respect for Indigenous peoples. I acknowledge that I live, work and play on the unceded Traditional Territories of the lÉ™k̓ʷəŋən peoples, and the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations.


© 2024 Radiant Wave - All rights reserved

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