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Radiant Wave Coaching

Image by Christian Holzinger

Do you feel stuck in the midst of the whirlwind of daily life, doing what you should be doing, rather than what your soul calls you towards?


Do you feel called to use your gifts to contribute more meaningfully in your life, work, community, but feel like you're holding back?


Do you want to start a new journey and engage in life in new ways, but don't know where to start?

A whole new world awaits when you start a new journey. 

Radiant Wave Coaching is your path to this new world and I am your guide along the way.


My coaching style

My coaching style is positive, warm and encouraging. I use a heart-centered, whole person approach that combines mind, body, emotions and spirit to help you evolve in a way that is nourishing, supportive and sustainable.


I'll hold space for you, listen with attention, gently push you out of your comfort zone, hold your aspirations as dear and ask you powerful questions to help you find your truth. My deepest desire is to support you to access new levels of growth, shift limiting beliefs, integrate new ways of doing, being and showing up to manifest positive and lasting change in your life and in the world.


My coaching practice is based on Ken Wilber's 'Integral Theory', further developed by Joanne Hunt and Laura Divine, founders of Integral Coaching Canada. This method's been described as the world's most comprehensive map of human development and will be used as the foundation to guide you through a transformational journey and help you evolve to match your vision, dreams and values.



The offerings

Currently, I offer two Coaching Programs:


- Radiant Wave Coaching Program, a custom-designed journey of embodiment and inner transformation that will enable you to reach long-lasting change and raise to your next wave of development; and


- Clarity Dive Coaching Program, a powerful and rapid coaching program that will give you clarity, energy and traction.

Radiant Wave Coaching Program

The Radiant Wave Coaching Program is perfect for you if you are ready to embark on a journey of embodiment and personal transformation, reach long-lasting change and raise to your next wave of development.


In this highly customized coaching program, we'll dive deeply into your current way of being, current worldview and skills. We'll uncover your true essence, honour your unique radiance, embrace your wholeness and unravel what's entangling you and keeping you stuck.

Over four months, we'll create a new paradigm: we'll focus on re-igniting your inner power, confidence and vision, define your new way of being, explore and reflect on practices that will help you develop new muscles, integrate new capabilities into your daily life and celebrate you - evolving and embodying your more empowered and authentic self.


The Program includes:

- 1x 90 min initial session

- Personalized coaching program summary with developmental objectives

- 5x 60min coaching sessions

- 1 self-observation practice

- 3 custom-designed practices

- 1x 60min closing session

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The Radiant Wave Coaching Program process


Step â€‹1 - Test the Water

This free 30min call, is the first step of the coaching program.

My intention for this call is for you to feel re-energized, ready and inspired to embark on a journey of transformation and live your life in new ways.

During the “Test the Water” session, we meet at the shore of possibilities, get to know each other, talk about your topic, answer your questions about the process and determine whether we are a good fit.​


Step 2 - Experience the Initial Wave

During the “Experience the Initial Wave” session, we'll go very deep into the current water. We’ll explore your topic and apply various integral lenses and new perspectives to it, so you can see it in a way that goes beyond your own current understanding and way of relating.

After this session, I’ll take time to reflect on our conversation and start developing a comprehensive coaching program that outlines your current way of being, identifies developmental objectives and includes custom-designed practices.


Step 3 - Ride the Wave

​The “Ride the Wave” session includes several “offerings” intended to foster the shifts you want to make in your life.

First of all, I’ll share your personalized coaching program and developmental goals with you. Then, I’ll offer you two metaphors that illustrate your "current way of being" (how you are approaching and seeing your coaching topic) and a "new way of being" (the way on how you could approach the topic that would be more empowering, authentic and effective). These powerful narratives tap into the creative part of the brain and open up a whole new world of what is possible.

During this session, you’ll also get a customized practice designed especially for you to generate new awareness on how you currently ride your wave.


Step 4 - Dive Deep

​The Coaching Program continues with a series of “Dive Deep” sessions that enable you to practice riding new waves and step into unfamiliar waters. Practices are behaviours that are repeated over and over again with the aim of developing new muscles to get you closer to your new way of being. Together, we’ll reflect on your discoveries, ah-ha moments and learning. Through these practices, you’ll deepen your awareness, sharpen your capabilities and get more embodied in your new way of being.


Step 5 - Be in the Flow

The “Be in the Flow” session is our closing ceremony. Here, we take stock of the journey, we appreciate all the milestones and celebrate your learning, progress and successes.

You are now in the flow and ready to show up in life in a new way, accessing your full potential, being at one with your own natural rhythm and embodying the positive change you created.

You are ready to ride your radiant wave!

Clarity Dive Program

The Clarity Dive Program is perfect for you if you wish to take a deep dive into a personal or professional topic that is important to you, gain new clarity on the challenge and what's holding you back, move past your sticking points and achieve rapid change.


Before our first session, I'll ask you to complete a short questionnaire to get a sense of who you are, your goals, aspirations and intentions. 


In session one, we'll get crystal clear on your topic, gain a deep understanding of your current way of being, identify what requires your heart-felt attention so that you can get unstuck and co-create a way forward to achieve your goal.


In session two, we'll reconnect and take stock of your progress, reflect on your learning, celebrate your successes and address anything else that might have come to the surface.


The Clarity Dive Program includes:

- 1x 90min deep dive session

- 1x 30min follow-up session

- Customized support and practical resources


Ready to ride the wave?

Book a free 'test the water session'

Thanks for reaching out! I'll be in touch soon.

A land acknowledgement is an opportunity to show recognition of and respect for Indigenous peoples. I acknowledge that I live, work and play on the unceded Traditional Territories of the lÉ™k̓ʷəŋən peoples, and the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations.


© 2024 Radiant Wave - All rights reserved

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